Love it or hate it, traditions has been around us for centuries and year more. Naturally, people will follow these traditions in a certain way they are brought up from childhood. Whether it may be conservative or liberal, or maybe a mix of both. East Asian countries have been shaped to pass down our ancestor’s old tradition for future generations to hold and value. Though some of these can be still of great origin into a meaningful and worthwhile life, few or more can be considered to be unfit in today’s generation.

People, trends, places, events, everything – all make their own changes in due time. As the old saying have said, “Change is constant” And it was indeed, true. If other people still failed to believe it, they are the people that other may have described as maddeningly stubborn for they think that change is always going to being misfortune. Yet going back in some places in Asia, old traditions still makes its way to be part of the future. Many Asian children always speak up about pressure when it comes to academics and typically their success as a daughter or son in their family. Asian parents have their vision of being a successful and worthy of a person when their children was able to get a degree and work in a professional field. Though we cannot deny that it was one way of becoming successful, but it’s not really the only way. Older generations typically associate only a fraction of career or profession to take seriously as a job to make a sustainable living. Even still, this can be explained with the reason why they think that is because these new and undermined careers didn’t really exist as a profession back in their days.

Later generations came up with way to bring together their profound passion and make it a living – Youtubers, beauty vloggers, influencers, artists to name a few. These are real careers that was recognized just a few years to a decade ago. However, in the eyes of many older generation, they may find these as mediocre and opt to scrutinize their later children for a more “professional” and “real” job.

Fear no more since through these years, although they may not be as recognized like they should – they are here. We have no means of letting our traditions completely collapse, we just need to bend them so they may still come about in the future and beyond.

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