When you say 5 Other Things that You might Need to Prepare before Going to a Trip, we really mean optional but could be helpful and necessary in case of emergencies. Though not that much needed, I still believe that these are the things that you might already have in all your trips unconciously.


I must have this mention on the first part but then cameras are always supplementary parts of a trip unless you are the one who wants to capture the beauty of everything. Though a mobile phone camera would work, it is still better if you have a handy cam with you. A 10MP camera will be good but higher pixels will be great.


You might have mistaken. A cellphone is more than what a cellphone is few years back. Put it in a real life, mobile phones are life saver. Make sure to fully charge your phone and better to have a PowerBank just in case. Make sure that you have enough balance loaded into your account and list all emergency numbers. If you have one of those high-tech phones, I suggest bringing along with you an extra simpler phone (the one that has flashlight and will last a week before the battery drains)  that will not break even if you drop it.


I know you might wonder why first aid kits are listed here. For me, its not a requirement and its uses depend on the activities that you will be doing. But then, it will be helpful if you have one. Even how careful you are, there are really instances that you will get slip or perhaps muscle cramps. So the importance of a first aid kit is much needed. It is also a need that you learn basic first aid applications on most injuries. You may also want to bring medicines such as for stomach ache and/or allergies.


I know. It is for old timers. But how about if you are trekking the mosy remote places without a guide? Then that is when these items are needed. This will help you if you think that you are losing your way home or don’t know which place to go. Even in a city, I always uses a map. But that doesn’t mean a printed one. A Google Map on a smartphone would do and will give you accurate and detailed way.


I wonder why would you not bring a watch with you. Whether you are a time concious or not, it will be helpful if you have a watch in your wrist. This would basically help you manage your day’s activity and will remind you if you will eat your breakfast or your lunch already. I prefer you bringing a water-resistant water and never a watch that would only work in your wrist.


We have discussed now the 5 other things that you might need in addition to the previous post. We will discuss each item in a single post in next chapters.

Hope this would help and if you have suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below.


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