Travel 101: Some Tips When You Are Traveling to the Philippines


Philippines is one of the travel destinations for its unique natural destinations. There is a pros and cons in travelling to the country especially because of several unique aspects that each city or province have. And if you are traveling all over the country, then there are significant things and tips that you must learn to make your travel to the Philippines more fun. Let us take a look on Some Tips When You Are Traveling to the Philippines.

Make an Itinerary

Philippines is home to more than 7,107 islands which means that if you are hopping from one destination to another, it is important you make a detailed itinerary of the places you will be visiting, in order for you to map out the most efficient, cost-effective and scenic route to take. Take note that because of numerous islands that the country possesses, it will be impossible to take just a one-day tour. In fact, each destination requires an overnight stay for you to fully enjoy your visit and to make value of what you pay for.

Study the local culture

Just like other countries in the world, Philippines have cultures and traditions that are unique on its own. The most parts of the Philippines are just any other modern country in the world, but if there are some native places or tribes, you will pay a visit to, make sure that you know about the important localized customs and gestures. This will ensure that you will not offend any local, and you will not be bewildered by the experiences. Each island in the country has its own history and culture that the natives live by. It is important to pay attention to those to make your travel complete.

Know the local currency and conversion rate 

There are several money exchanges that you can visit in the country. Actually, as soon as you step off the plane, you can exchange your money for the local currency, Philippine peso. However, if do not need it yet, then either you can seek help at your hotel, or visit some money exchange that is located in the malls, or even a few blocks away from where you are staying. Just make sure that you are familiar with the money denominations, and always keep a spare of change and coins with you at all times. You will need this, especially if you are commuting.

Learn about the different modes of transportation

There are several modes of transportation that you can take when you are in the Philippines. We have our very own “jeepneys” that travel distinct routes. Jeepney is the main mode of transportation within cities in the Philippines. If you know the connecting routes, you can ride a series of jeepneys, and it will take you where you are going. Jeepneys have their own route and they could not go beyond their boundary without special permits. So make sure to know the places that you are going to so that you will be able to know which jeepney you are going to take. Once you have reached your point of destination, make sure to say the magic word para to help you have the jeepney stop instantly. Para pronounced as pah-rah means stop.

Besides jeepneys, we have buses in the main thoroughfare, tricycles and padyak or side cars. Normally, these are used when the areas that you will be going to are too narrow for jeepneys to enter. In some areas, only tricycles and padyak are allowed to enter and ferry passengers to and fro.

By air, there are at least one airport in the major cities of the Philippines which will help you travel from one city to another. By water, we have big passenger ships that travel at a patterned time. Ro-ro (roll on-roll off) is also one of the choices which you can take advantage with especially if you are bringing a personal vehicle for you. If you are travelling to a nearby city, there are also fast crafts that you can also ride into. Fast crafts are smaller ships that usually just carry passengers. Meanwhile, if you are going to a small island or province, at times, the only means of getting there is by riding a motor banca or pump boats. These boats will surely make your travel more thrilling.

Learn the Language 

Though Philippines adopted the English language, most people still do not speak or understand the language. Tagalog is the most used dialects in the northern part of the country, mainly Luzon part. However, the southern part of the country mostly uses Bisaya which includes areas in Visayas and Mindanao. Therefore, it is always very important to learn basic phrases off from the language of the place you are visiting.

Going to the Philippines is a great travel experience. We offer a lot of natural sights, and activities that you will definitely have fun experiencing. Just keep your wits around you, keep an open mind and enjoy the moment. Filipinos are one of the most accommodating and friendliest hosts in the whole world.











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